Fights Engine Wear, 75 per cent more engine protection against horsepower loss and wear than required by the industry standard, extending the life of vital components like pistons and cams. It develops a strong fluid film that keeps metal surfaces separated. Robust anti-wear additives further reduce wear in metal-to-metal contact regions for maximum engine life. Trusted by professional engine builders. Guaranteed protection for up to 25,000 miles or 1 year
Signature Series Improves Startup Protection
AMSOIL provides better cold cranking viscosity, helping improve wear protection for engine components at startup.
API SP (Resource Conserving), SN PLUS, SN…; GM dexos1* Gen 3
(supersedes dexos1 Gen 2, LL-A-025, 6094M and 4718M); ACEA A5/B5, A1/B1; Honda
HTO-06; Ford WSS-M2C946-B1, WSS-M2C946-A, WSS-M2C929-A, WSS-M2C961-A1;
Chrysler MS-6395; ILSAC GF-6A, GF-5, GF-4